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What is your Dosha?

Take the tests

The 3 doshas (or consitutions types) are present in each of us, but in different proportions, which makes us unique. This unique make-up at birth gets imbalanced throughout life and Ayurveda deals with bringing you back to your state of natural balance. Knowing what we are made of allows us to takes steps to re-instate balance, thefore health.

Take the Mental and Emotional test, as well as the Physiological one, then read the description of your dominant dosha (below).

If you aren't sure which beauty product is most adapted to your nature, then take the Ayurvedic Skin type test and chose products in the Dosha Shop which are suited to your unique nature. If you have equal results in more than one dosha, chose the tridoshic range of products.

Mind, Emotion
& Body
What Is Your Dosha?

When  answering the questions, try to chose only one answer. Think "what is my tendency as far as I can remember". These tests establish your nature at birth rather than the current imbalance you might be suffering from at the moment. For example, you might currently have a dry skin yet it's not your tendency and a rather rare occurence. In that case, chose the answer that best reflect your type in general and for as long as you can remember.

Your Skin Type
Skin Type
What Is Your Skin Type

The Doshas

The doshas

Understanding your Results

Your dominant dosha is the one you need to keep balanced. 

  • Read about it below

  • Visit the Dosha Shop to get the medicines, beauty products or home decoration most adapted to you


Vata: made of Air & Space


Pitta: made of Fire and oil


Kapha: made of Water & Earth

Shop your Dosha
Dosha Shop

How to Shop Your Dosha

If you have a Vata dominant skin, chose the vata balancing range

If you're looking for a present for a loved-one, chose the tridoshic range

Recipes By Dosha

Most of these recipes are suitable for the 3 doshas. In that case, they are called "Sattvic". Yet sometimes, they are only appropriate to one of them. For example, usually, losing weight means reducing the Kapha Dosha. You will find recipes for Kapha types physiology in the Kapha recipes.




Recipes by Dosha
Recipes by Dosha
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